22 711 pregnancies achieved over 21 years
Irina Yermilova

Clinical interests

  • Proficient in working with various cell cultures, molecular biology methods (DNA extraction, PCR, Electrophoresis), radioimmunology, microscopy (light electron, fluorescence).
  • Proficient in all major reproductive embryology skills: ICSI, IMSI, vitrification of oocytes and embryos, auxiliary hatching, cultivation of embryos to the blastocyst stage.


  • Graduated from Moscow State University Biology Department in 2000.
  • 2000-2003 – postgraduate studies in Russian Academy of Sciences on the basis of the Institute of Development Biology. N.K. Koltsov, in the laboratory of histogenesis. The main direction: the study of the role of the hypothalamic-pituitary system in the formation and development of the immune system in mammals.
  • In she 2004 Awarded the degree of candidate of biological sciences in the specialty Allergology and Immunology. The topic of the thesis is The Functional Significance Of The Hypothalamus And Thymus In The Early Ontogenesis Of The Immune System Of Rats.
  • During postgraduate studies she received a grant from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research twice to support young scientists (2001 and 2002). She made a report in 2003 at the 7th Pushchino School of Young Scientists.


  • She has 9 publications on research topics in Russian and international publications.·        
  • During her time at the clinic she took part in a number of conferences and seminars, including:- Seminar and practical classes Fixation Of Nuclei And Preparation Of Preparations For Preimplantation Diagnostics By The FISH Method. MTSRM, St. Petersburg, 2012.- Seminar Organization Of Quality Control In The Embryology Laboratory (Cecilia Cjoblom, Australia), Moscow, 2012.- Seminar and practical training Vitrification Of Oocytes And Embryos. (M. Kuwayama, Japan), Tokyo, 2011- ASRM, The 63rd Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C., 2007


Konstantin Kirienko

Konstantin Kirienko

  • Lead Embryologist , PhD
Nina Sheina

Nina Sheina

  • Anesthesiologist
Sona Nshanyan

Sona Nshanyan

  • Reproductive Endocrinologist, Gynecologist, PHD
Timur Khrabrov

Timur Khrabrov

  • Urologist, Andrologist, PhD
Elena Andamova

Elena Andamova

  • Obstetrician Gynecologist, Phd
Yuliya Maklygina

Yuliya Maklygina

  • Genetic
Malakhova Victoria

Malakhova Victoria

  • Reproductive Endocrinologist, Gynecologist,
Liudmila Yelicheva

Liudmila Yelicheva

  • Obstetrician Gynecologist, Phd
Zarema Barakhoeva

Zarema Barakhoeva

  • Reproductive Endocrinologist, Gynecologist, MD, PHD
Yaroslav Lugovtsov

Yaroslav Lugovtsov

  • Ultrasonographer, MD

Priljubljeni programi IVF

Klinika Altravita zaseda vodilne položaje na področju reproduktivne medicine, zdravljenja neplodnosti žensk in moških, citogenetičnih in molekularno-genetskih študij.



Oksana, 15 Oct 2019 г.

Ďakujem vám veľmi pekne, Dr. Vladimir Valentinovich, ste vynikajúci človek aj výnimočný odborník !!! Vďaka vášmu zaobchádzaniu a jedinečnému prístupu sme 10. apríla mali vzácne dievčatko. Vždy ste vedeli, čo na to, aby ste nás povzbudili. Napriek všetkým zlyhaniam ste nikdy nestratili nádej a stále ste prichádzali s novými liečebnými plánmi, až nakoniec sme nakoniec uspeli. Ešte raz vám ďakujem a želám vám veľa úspechov vo vašej tvrdej práci!

AltraVita IVF