Victoria Gnipova
- Obstetrician Gynecologist, Phd
- Medical practice 20 years.
- Has extensive experience in preparation for pregnancy and for pregnant women with recurrent pregnancy loss, Rh sensitization, training and management of pregnancy (incl. multiple) after IVF.
She graduated from the Far Eastern State Medical University in Khabarovsk. Undertook clinical internship in the specialty “Obstetrics and Gynecology" in Petropavlovsk -Kamchatsky and clinical residency at the Russian State Medical University, Moscow.
In 2003 he defended his thesis for the candidate’s degree on "Immunomorphological features endometrium in women with recurrent miscarriage in the first trimester." From 2003 to 2012 – a research fellow of therapy and prevention of miscarriage of Scientific center of obstetrics, gynecology and a perinatology of the academician V. I. Kulakov.
Has extensive experience in preparation for pregnancy and for pregnant women with recurrent pregnancy loss, Rh sensitization, training and management of pregnancy (incl. multiple) after IVF. Author of several publications in leading magazines.
Priljubljeni programi IVF
Klinika Altravita zaseda vodilne položaje na področju reproduktivne medicine, zdravljenja neplodnosti žensk in moških, citogenetičnih in molekularno-genetskih študij.
Oksana, 15 Oct 2019 г.
Ďakujem vám veľmi pekne, Dr. Vladimir Valentinovich, ste vynikajúci človek aj výnimočný odborník !!! Vďaka vášmu zaobchádzaniu a jedinečnému prístupu sme 10. apríla mali vzácne dievčatko. Vždy ste vedeli, čo na to, aby ste nás povzbudili. Napriek všetkým zlyhaniam ste nikdy nestratili nádej a stále ste prichádzali s novými liečebnými plánmi, až nakoniec sme nakoniec uspeli. Ešte raz vám ďakujem a želám vám veľa úspechov vo vašej tvrdej práci!